What you need to know of All exotic animals
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5 articles
Meerkats are undoubtedly cute. Familiar to us from nature documentaries and insurance adverts alike, they have become increasingly popular in the public eye. Such interest has even bred a desire to keep these animals as a pet. Since they are about the size of a small dog and seem to share certain characteristics...
The Leopardus paradalis, also known commonly as ocelot, became a popular pet among Americans during the 1950's and 1960's, with even celebrities such as Catalan surrealist painter Salvador DalĂ adopting them as pets. This leopard-like feline is actually one of the smallest types of wildcat. It is found in...
The jury's still out on whether having a pet monkey is a good idea or a violation of basic rights of the animals to freedom of movement and existence. Keeping a pet monkey is a big commitment and no, it's not as simple as running off to a pet store and getting a simian friend for life.
Monkeys belong...
Armadillos, are animals that belong to the Cingulata order, with only the Chlamyphoridae and Dasypodidae families still extant. Their distinctive characteristic is an armored shell formed of bony plates, which is useful for fending off their natural predators and other dangers. This shell might make some...
The Fennec fox is a beautiful, clean, friendly and loving animal that can be easily domesticated. However, you cannot expect to simply take this beautiful creature home. Fundamentally, this is because the animal would die very quickly in its new habitat that we call home.
If it survives, it will probably...