Skin care

Can You Put Human Lotion on a Dog?

Cristina Pascual
By Cristina Pascual, Veterinaria. December 1, 2024
Can You Put Human Lotion on a Dog?

See files for Dogs

Especially when out walking during, the pads of a dog's paws are subject to various rough materials. Whether in nature or in urban areas, gravel, rocks, asphalt and other surfaces can lead to friction on their skin. Changes in temperature can also increase the impact on the skin, with very cold surfaces causing it to dry out and very hit surfaces causing it to burn. Wet ground can also increase the likelihood of fungal and other infections, as can sharp objects or other foreign bodies. For this reason, many of us think to use moisturizer or other lotions to repair and protect the dog's skin.

Whether on their paws or any other part of their body, can you put human lotion on a dog? While some will be more dangerous than others, generally speaking we should not put our own lotion on a dog. We explain why in this AnimalWised article.

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  1. Can you put human lotion on dogs?
  2. Why can't I use human lotion on my dog?
  3. What happens if my dog licks human moisturizer?
  4. Can I use calamine lotion on dogs?
  5. Which human lotions are safe for dogs?

Can you put human lotion on dogs?

The skin is a very important organ, performing essential physiological functions for a dog's organism. These include thermoregulation, internal homeostasis, immune response and more. The skin on the pads of a dog's paws is particularly vulnerable to damage since it comes in contact with the ground when walking or running.

Paw pads are made of fatty tissue covered in skin thickened by keratin. This keratinized skin provides greater protection against friction and other forces, as well as providing thermal insulation and cushioning for the dog's body weight.

The skin of the dog's paw pads can become dry or cracked due to environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures or very dry air. Mechanical action from the ground adds to skin damage, as does contact with abrasive products such as household chemicals. You may notice your dog keeps licking their paws due to irritation brought upon by skin damage, something which can exacerbate the problem.

Due to the potential pain, irritation and complications skin damage can cause, it is understandable to wonder if moisturizing cream or lotion such as calamine can be used on a dog if it is made for human use. Generally speaking, you should not use human lotion on a dog.

The reason we should avoid using human lotions on our dog is due to their ingredients. These lotions are specifically formulated for human skin, often also containing ingredients which are only suitable for certain types of skin. Generally speaking, we should only use products which are specifically formulated for canine use. This way they have the ingredients and characteristics which will adapt to the specific needs of their skin. Human lotions may also contain ingredients which are harmful for dogs, especially if ingested.

In the following sections, we look at these reasons why dogs should not use human lotion in more detail.

Why can't I use human lotion on my dog?

It is common to hear that dog and human skin have a different pH, suggesting that we should only use products with a corresponding pH level. It is true that dog skin and human skin have different natural pH levels, since dogs have a less acidic pH than humans. However, whether we can use a product of a certain pH will depend on the specific needs of the dog.

The use of products with a more acidic pH does not necessarily have to be harmful to a dog's skin. In fact, a certain degree of acidity may prevent the growth of various pathogenic microorganisms and allow the skin to maintain the beneficial microorganisms that are part of the normal skin microbiota. This will depend on the dog's needs at a given moment.

While manufacturers will consider pH levels when creating hygiene products for dogs, the main reason we should not use human lotions on dogs is due to their ingredients. Many of the lotions and moisturizers we use contain ingredients which are toxic to dogs. These include perfumes, aromas, colorants and various excipients. The toxicity can be damaging to the skin directly, but it can also occur when the dog licks the area and ingests the lotion.

What happens if my dog licks human moisturizer?

As we mentioned, some human moisturizers contain ingredients that can be harmful to dogs' skin. Some of these ingredients can also be toxic if ingested. Examples of common toxic ingredient found in human lotions include the following:

  • Xylitol: used in many creams as a moisturizer and skin conditioning agent
  • Camphor: used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

Since we often use these lotions on our dog's paws, they are easily accessed by their mouth. Since the skin is often dry and damaged, the dog licks the area to relieve the discomfort. Doing so means they can ingest the topical lotion and result in intoxication. We recommend that you keep any of your own cosmetic products out of reach of your pet. Also, prevent your dog from licking your skin after application of lotion until it has been completely absorbed.

Discover more about how personal hygiene products can harm dogs with our article on what happens when a dog eats soap.

Can I use calamine lotion on dogs?

Since this is a frequently asked question, we look in more detail at one common lotion used by humans. Calamine lotion is an FDA-approved topical agent which is used to relieve skin irritation and itchiness. It is commonly used for sunburn, insect bites, poison ivy and other skin irritations.

Unfortunately, calamine lotion is not safe for dogs. The reason for this is because normal preparations contain zinc oxide which is particularly toxic to dogs. Not only can it cause gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea in the dog, it can affect red blood cells and influence anemia. It may also contain other toxic ingredients for dogs and should be avoided.

Can You Put Human Lotion on a Dog? - Can I use calamine lotion on dogs?

Which human lotions are safe for dogs?

Although, as a general rule, human moisturizers should not be used on dogs. However, there are some products that are safe for our pets when used topically. Below is a list of ingredients that are perfectly suitable for use on a dog's skin and paw pads:

  • Argan oil
  • Rosehip oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Aloe vera

However, some of these products are also toxic or otherwise harmful if ingested in large amounts. For example, aloe vera contains aloin and other phenolic chemicals which are toxic to dogs. If you wish to treat any skin disease on your dog, use a product specific for use in dogs or contact your veterinarian directly.

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Can You Put Human Lotion on a Dog?