Animal care
From the moment we have an animal in our care, we are responisble for assuring they get essential care and live in the appropriate conditions for their species, making sure their mental and physical care is covered. In this AnimalWised section we will teach you everything you should know about how to properly care for your pet.
338 articles

Cat communication relies heavily on body language. Although their purr or meow can be revealing, cats can say all you need to know without making a squeak. This includes body posture, something which is particularly important when a cat meets another cat. This can tell the other feline whether it is a friendly...

You may be aware that it is a legal requirement to vaccinate or even microchip your cat in certain jurisdictions. While the exact rules differ according to country or state, pet owners can get in trouble if we don't follow them. It is also a legal requirement to have insurance for certain activities such...

Cherry shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) is a small crustacean which is popular in home aquariums. Not only do they add a little visual diversity for the fish tank, but they are great for maintenance. These little aquatic custodians feed on algae and left over food from fish, helping to keep the tank clean...

Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) are some of the most elegant freshwater fish, one of the reasons they have become so popular in aquariums across the world. Their calm demeanor and hypnotic movements are a result of originating in the slow-moving waters of the Amazon basin. Their appearance also provides...

When setting up an aquarium, one of the most important considerations for any fish keeper is how long their fish will live. While it’s often assumed that fish have short lifespans, the reality is that many species can live for years—sometimes even decades, when given the right care. While wild fish face...

Goldfish are one of the most popular freshwater fish among aquarium enthusiasts. Known for their vibrant colors, unique shapes, and friendly nature, they have been domesticated for centuries and come in various breeds, from the common goldfish to the elegant fantail and the delicate bubble eye. These...

For many dog owners, there’s nothing more comforting than curling up in bed with their furry companion. In fact, studies suggest that over 50% of pet owners allow their dogs to sleep in bed with them. But is this cozy habit actually good for your sleep and health, or could it pose hidden risks? Some believe...

Earning a dog’s trust is the foundation of a strong, loving relationship. Whether you’ve just adopted a rescue dog or want to deepen your bond with your pet, trust-building takes time, patience, and the right approach. Dogs, like humans, need to feel safe before they can form meaningful bonds. But unlike...

Cats are often misunderstood when it comes to their body language, especially when it comes to their tails. One common behavior that can confuse cat owners is when a cat wags its tail while being spoken to. Unlike dogs, who wag their tails to express excitement or happiness, a cat’s tail movements can indicate...

We know the coziness of wrapping up in a blanket, something made all the better with a dog snuggling up to us. Just because we feel the benefit of a blanket when it is cold, it doesn't mean this is the same for the dog. We may see the dog is trembling a little when they sleep or we simply want them to be...

Many cats don't enjoy sleeping under the covers. They may be able to sleep for hours while dangling off the side of a cat tree or cram themselves into the tiniest space imaginable for a snooze, but will run away if we try to place a blanket over them. While most cats will enjoy sleeping in a bed, they often...

Keeping an eye on your cat's health means knowing what's normal, and that includes their temperature. While it's a common belief that you can tell if a cat's running a fever just by touching their nose or ears, the truth is, a thermometer is the only way to get an accurate reading. A temperature that's...

Whelping in dogs is the process of a mother dog giving birth to her puppies, also known as being in labor. It is a very sensitive time and we need to do what we can to ensure safety. Fortunately, a dog's mothering instincts are strong and she should know intrinsically what to do. Despite this, complications...

Whether hereditary, congenital or acquired, blindness in dogs is a condition which will significantly affect the level of care they will need. Blind dogs will need their guardians to provide specialized care that will ensure their safety despite a loss of vision. The level of vision loss can vary in the...

Dental hygiene in dogs is a serious health concern which goes ignored by too many dog guardians. Many of us neglect the cleaning of our dog's teeth, allowing plaque to accumulate and tartar to develop. This can lead to serious periodontal issues which can drastically affect the dog's oral hygiene. While...

Saying goodbye to an aging dog is an incredibly difficult decision for any pet owner. As our loyal companions grow older, we naturally grapple with questions about their well-being and whether we're doing what's best. While this choice is deeply personal, understanding the process, recognizing important...

Your cat's tail tells stories about their feelings and needs. Like an antenna, it's packed with nerve endings that help them communicate with other cats and with you. Each position and movement has a clear meaning, helping you understand when your cat wants more attention and when they need space. Learning...

Does your dog suffer from cracked or irritated paw pads? Whether it’s from hot pavement, icy sidewalks, or rough terrain, damaged paw pads can be painful for your furry friend. Fortunately, you don’t need expensive treatments to provide relief. With just a few natural ingredients and a little care, you...

Especially when out walking during, the pads of a dog's paws are subject to various rough materials. Whether in nature or in urban areas, gravel, rocks, asphalt and other surfaces can lead to friction on their skin. Changes in temperature can also increase the impact on the skin, with very cold surfaces causing...

Dogs are social animals. They need company for both their physical and emotional well-being. For domestic dogs, it is their human guardian who provides for their needs. You can meet their dietary, health and exercise requirements, but if you do not spend time with them, they will suffer. Some dogs will...

Dogs are often at complete rest when laying on top of us. Despite not making any noise other than some nose breathing, they are actually communicating something very important. When willing to sleep on our lap or share similar proximity, dogs are revealing something about the relationship you have together. Most...

Determining the normal weight for your dog is crucial for their overall health and well-being. A dog who is either overweight or underweight can face various health issues, including joint problems, heart disease, and diabetes. While purebred dogs have established weight standards, mixed-breed dogs can...

Neutering a male dog via castration will prevent a them from being able to impregnate a female, but not immediately. Castration is a procedure which removes the testicles of a dog, the organs responsible for producing the male gamete, i.e. sperm. After sperm is produced, it will remain in the reproductive...

Dogs, originally descended from wolves, have been selectively bred for various roles throughout history, resulting in a remarkable diversity of breeds adapted to different environments. This wide range of coat types is influenced by numerous genes, contributing to the incredible variety of breeds we...

For those passionate about canine genetics and breeding, understanding dominant and recessive genes is essential. These fundamental principles govern how traits are inherited and expressed in dogs, shaping everything from their appearance to their health. By examining how dominant and recessive genes interact,...

Fever in cats is a symptom of a wide range of diseases and health issues. Even a mild fever can be a symptom of a life-threatening pathology, so it is very important we observe our cats for any changes in our feline. Fever is raised body temperature as a result of the body's immune response. It is important...

The journey of pregnancy in dogs is an amazing process that spans approximately two months, or 63 days on average. During this period, the expectant mother's body undergoes a series of intricate transformations to support the growth and development of her litter. While many of these changes occur internally,...

Neutering male dogs provides many benefits, not least the reduction of various health risks such as testicular or prostate cancers. While these advantages are important, neutering in the form of castration can prevent behavioral issues in male dogs related to their reproductive ability. Since sexually intact...

Both male and female dogs have nipples located on breast tissue. Just as in humans, they are anatomical features of both sexes, but there are not functional in both. Both male and female dogs develop nipples during their embryonic period, before sex has been determined. After this, males maintain their...

Animal shelters provide care and temporary housing for abandoned, stray, and surrendered animals. Effective management and cost optimization are vital for their sustainability, considering their reliance on limited resources and the increasing demand for their services. From my experience, shelters play...

A dog's pregnancy is a sensitive period, providing for both her own changing needs and those of her gestating puppies. Diet and nutrition is of particular importance. Without the correct nutrients, a pregnant dog can lose her puppies and even put her own life in danger. A balanced and nutrient-rich diet...

Mounting behavior in dogs is a common concern for many dog owners. It can be confusing to see a male dog trying to mount a female dog that is not in heat. While this behavior is often associated with mating, there are several other reasons why a male dog might engage in mounting. Understanding the underlying...

Dogs often get resin or sap on their fur from brushing against trees like pines and maples, rolling in sticky materials, or walking through areas with debris or gum. Resin can be sticky and uncomfortable, causing dogs to lick or chew at the spot a lot. This can lead to matted fur, which traps moisture...

A dog's weight is an important consideration when adopting an animal. In terms of practical space, not all homes will be equipped to house a very large dog. We also need to be able to walk them comfortably and ensure the safety of all members of the home, including the dog themselves. If we adopt a German...

Especially if we live with longhaired cats, the presence of wayward hairs can be a great annoyance. This is exacerbated to infuriating levels during shedding season when hairs fly all around the home. In addition to a messy home, cat hairs also raise more serious issues related to health and well-being....

Does your dog suffer from itchy skin, watery eyes, or constant sneezing? These could be signs of allergies! Antihistamines are medications commonly used to combat these symptoms by blocking histamine, the chemical released during an allergic reaction. While traditional antihistamines are effective, some pet...

Whether vaccinated or not, kittens generally do not need baths. When newborn, their mother takes care of their hygiene by licking them and even disposing of their waste. As they develop, their mother imparts the skills they will need to clean themselves and others in their family group. Bathing also removes...

When a kitten in a cats litter has died, it is understandable for us to be upset at the loss of life. The average kitten litter is around 4-6 newborns, but there could be even more. Unfortunately, it is relatively common for a kitten to die during various stages of the 63-6y days of an average cat gestation....

Ever wonder why your cat jumps at the vacuum cleaner or hides during a thunderstorm? Cats have far more sensitive hearing than humans, picking up on a wider range of frequencies that go unnoticed by our ears. This superpower can be a double-edged sword. Many everyday sounds we barely register can be overwhelming...

At AnimalWised, we frequently emphasize the importance of environmental enrichment for feline well-being. Providing a variety of toys and stimulating activities helps prevent stress, boredom, and behavioral problems in cats. But did you know that sound can also play a role in enriching your cat's life?

When a beloved pet passes away, not everyone has the option for an expensive plot in a pet cemetery. Similarly, it may not be feasible to bury their remains at home. Some people choose to scatter the ashes, but this means we are not left with something tangible to memorialise them. Fortunately, there are...

Female dogs are only fertile for short periods throughout the year, but males can mate at almost any point. For this reason, there is a lot of competition between males for each female dog. While the males will fight it out, it is common for a female to mate with multiple partners when she is in the...

When a cat changes their behavior towards you, becomes apathetic, meows constantly or changes their eating habits, it could be a sign they want another cat in the home. When a cat is lonely, they will express this desire for company in various ways. Intense loneliness can become so stressful that it leads...

Dogs communicate more than just barks and whines. They use a wide range of sounds and behaviors to express their feelings. A key part of understanding dog communication is recognizing the sounds that make them happy. By learning these "happy sounds" and using them to your advantage, you can create a positive and...

There are many reasons you may want to help your cat to get to sleep. Some cats may be having a period of stress or hyperactivity which is making them restless. Helping them to sleep better will hopefully help with the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Another reason is the disruption even happy cats can cause...

It should be no surprise that certain sounds annoy dogs. Canines have an advanced hearing capability which far outweighs our own. While humans can perceive sound frequencies ranging from 20 to 20,000 Hz, dogs are capable of registering sounds with frequencies between approximately 20 and 60,000 Hz. This...

Some of us might be looking for something to help with dog period blood spotting since it can leaves stains on the ground, soft furnishings and other areas. However, it is important to know that dogs don't have a period. This is because they don't have a menstrual cycle like humans. Instead, they go...

As winter arrives and the first snowflakes fall, it is important to remember that our pets feel the cold just like we do. While dressing up dogs has become a popular trend for fashion reasons, the reality is that a winter coat is often necessary to keep them warm during the colder months.
In this AnimalWised...

Pomeranian dogs are known for their ability to shed, something which is more noticeable than many other breeds. This is because of the sheer abundance of fur in Pomeranian dogs, making a high-shedding rate an often messy business. Known for being loveable little balls of fluff, any annoyance over their...

Wet dog smell is a unique odor which often has the uncanny ability to linger for a long time. It is instantly recognizable and can infuse itself into soft furnishings as if they were the dog's own coat. Peculiar and unattractive, it is a smell that can also work its way into the fabric of our clothes and...