Basic care

Caring for a Goldfinch: Basic Guidelines

Josie F. Turner
By Josie F. Turner, Journalist specialized in Animal Welfare. Updated: September 1, 2024
Caring for a Goldfinch: Basic Guidelines

The goldfinch is a small bird with beautiful plumage and a beautiful, cheerful song, points that make it highly prized as a pet among fans worldwide. In some areas, there are even singing contests that showcase this beautiful bird.

Caring for a goldfinch is not complicated, but there are some aspects to consider. In this AnimalWised article we will give you some basic guidelines focusing on its feeding, hygiene and cage. These things are all necessary to ensure that our goldfinch does not get sick and lightens our day with its wonderful songs. Read on and discover everything you must do to keep your goldfinch healthy and happy.

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  1. What does a goldfinch's cage need?
  2. Hygiene routine for a goldfinch
  3. What is the best diet for a goldfinch?
  4. Keeping your goldfinch happy
  5. Check your country's laws regarding goldfinches

What does a goldfinch's cage need?

The goldfinch is a bird that needs to exercise its wings regularly, so you will need a large, wide cage - the larger the better. This way, it can make small flights to strengthen its wings and stay active. If you have room, you can even think about having a small aviary.

You might find small cages for competition goldfinches in the market: do not use them, because they generate stress, muscle atrophy and low wear in the bird's claws.

The goldfinch's cage should be located in a place where there are no drafts or sudden temperature changes, while still being well ventilated. All this will help you keep your pet away from diseases.

It is also important to install perches or sticks in the cage where the goldfinch can grab and jump from one to another and move to its liking. Usually, the perches that come with cages are made of plastic, and although functional, they are not the best options. As far as possible, it is better to buy natural branches, as they help to wear down the claws and exercise the legs, plus they provide a more comfortable grip. They must have a diameter suitable for your bird to hold on comfortably.

When choosing the location of the perches, you must leave enough free space for the goldfinch to make its flights. Pay special attention not to place them above the feeders and water to prevent droppings from falling on them.

You must also add a water dispenser, a cuttlefish bone and a swing for the goldfinch to perch on.

Caring for a Goldfinch: Basic Guidelines - What does a goldfinch's cage need?

Hygiene routine for a goldfinch

Hygiene is an important aspect in the care of any bird, and the goldfinch this is no exception. The base, bars, perches of the cage, as well as its accessories such as the food and water bowls, must be thoroughly cleaned at least once a week to prevent the proliferation of parasites. These can weaken your goldfinch, cause it stress or transmit infectious or parasitic diseases that can even cause death.

Water must be changed daily, especially in the summer. On the market you can be find "ball" water dispensers that maintain its quality for several days. We recommend blowing gently on the food to remove empty seeds and then refill the feeder.

In addition, to prevent parasites - again, especially in the summer - you can offer your goldfinch the option to take a bath in water with a few drops of apple cider vinegar. You can find tub-type containers in any establishment.

Caring for a Goldfinch: Basic Guidelines - Hygiene routine for a goldfinch

What is the best diet for a goldfinch?

The goldfinch is a seed-eating bird, as the shape of its beak is specially adapted to extract the seeds that are the basis of its diet. You can feed your goldfinch the following types of seeds:

  • Birdseed
  • Rapeseed
  • White lettuce
  • Black lettuce
  • Sesame
  • Linseed
  • Poppy
  • Oats
  • Dehulled oats
  • Small hempseed
  • Perilla
  • Negrillo

Fortunately, high quality mixes for goldfinches are commonly found in stores, although many bird lovers prefer to develop their own particular mix. You can choose the option that suits you best.

Goldfinches also eat different types of vegetables and fruits from which they get vitamins and fiber. You can give your pet goldfinch lettuce, tomato, apple, pear, etc: the more varied and better quality its diet, the better. This way, you'll be caring for your goldfinch while preventing food poisoning or nutrient deficiencies that can affect its singing, moving or development.

At some specific life stages - such as breeding, molting or chick growth - goldfinches also feed on insects. You can go to an exotic pets shop and purchase insect paste, or you can choose small live insects such as worms. If you're breeding goldfinches, here you can learn all about making egg food.

Caring for a Goldfinch: Basic Guidelines - What is the best diet for a goldfinch?

Keeping your goldfinch happy

The aspects we mentioned above are the basics on caring for a goldfinch, but it is essential to enrich the bird's life so that it does not feel listless and unmotivated. Many people decide to offer them a companion, or if they have a close relationship with the bird - which is possible if you have been together since it was a young chick - playing and talking to it.

If you do not have a close relationship with your bird, you can still keep it happy through music. Offering relaxing music, songs of other goldfinches - especially if your pet is a novice who is learning to sing - and even a change of scenery in which it benefits from sunlight are all recommended.

This is more important than it may seem, because happy goldfinches live longer and have better quality of life.

Check your country's laws regarding goldfinches

Goldfinch are considered among the best singing birds in the world, so sadly many people choose to capture them illegally and then sell them. Even worse are the thefts of entire nests, in which the chicks usually die soon after.

Professional bird keepers involved in bird singing competitions have very clear rules that must be met. If you find that this is not the case, you should report it to an animal protection charity in your country. Usually, the requirements to keep goldfinch are the following:

  • Holding a specific license.
  • An unexperienced trapper must never capture a goldfinch alone. They can only do so when accompanied by a senior trapper.
  • Female birds cannot be captured. Otherwise, they must always be released.
  • Fledglings and nests cannot be capture.

Generally speaking, people who have no knowledge and motivation beyond greed often damage entire ecosystems with their practices, reducing the population of goldfinches and threatening the survival of the species.

If you are a true bird lover, you must never carry out such practices: take action and respect birds.

Caring for a Goldfinch: Basic Guidelines - Check your country's laws regarding goldfinches

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Here is a pic poor little baby and no no bad weather don’t even no how it hot in as all windows shut
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Sam,

We are still a little confused. Is the bird injured? If not, is there a reason why they are not being released?
got home from work and i habe a gold finch in my living room its nighttime so i have caught it and its in a cage at min with water and millet! what do i do????? some one help me?? i also have an indian red neck who has been hiding in thecurtain away from it x
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Sam,

Unless the bird is injured, there are two options. If you think it is someone's pet, you can call the vet and check with local notices to see if anyone has it missing. If not, which is likely, then you need to release it back into the wild. This is a migratory bird, so you could be interfering with their migration plan (even if they can in of their own accord). The same for the parakeet.

It seems like quite a rare occurrence that this should happen, has there been some bad weather where you are lately? If you could provide some info or even some pictures, we would love to hear about it.
alireza fathllahzadeh
hello, thanks for website
Food information for goldfinch
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Alireza,

We're glad we can g¡be helpful to you!
alireza fathllahzadeh
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Caring for a Goldfinch: Basic Guidelines