Do Penguins Have Knees?

Penguins walk in such a way that we can perhaps describe it more as a waddle than stride. Their gait appears is as if their legs are bound together with seemingly very little dexterity. Some interpret this as meaning the penguin has no knees. Knees give the leg flexibility and agility, something penguins seem to lack when they are walking on land. This is in contrast to when they are in water where they are lithe and athletic, gaining great speed easily despite their small stature. Even in the water, their little feet do not seem to do as much of the work when compared to their wings. For this reason, AnimalWised asks do penguins have knees?
The answer is yes, penguins have knees. Although penguin leg anatomy may seem unconventional, they are perfectly well adapted to their environment. It is an environment in which many other animals cannot thrive. Penguins are a lesson that such unconventional anatomy can provide the greatest evolutionary advantage.
Do penguins have knees?
It is true that the skeletal anatomy of penguins at first appears to be unconventional when we compare it to other vertebrate animals. However, closer examination reveals it to be more similar than you may think. Like all birds, penguins have knees. While they may not be as easily observable in all species, birds have knees to allow articulation in their legs, something which varies in extent.
When looking at a penguin in the wild, it is almost impossible to see the knee joint. Looking at their legs, we may think we see their knee, but are likely observing their ankle. The ankle is more visible on the legs of penguins as they walk. In contrast, the knee joint is very high up the leg. They cannot be seen with the naked eye since they are covered with the bird's plumage.
Many birds have very visible knees. Take the different types of flamingo, for example. Their featherless legs have a very distinct knee joint which can be seen easily. A penguin's knees are kept very close to their body, being located much closer to the wings than many other birds. It is similar to us putting on an overly long t-shirt, making our body look elongated and our legs very short.
The reason a penguin's leg anatomy means their knees are kept in this position is due to the evolutionary advantage it provides. Penguins are digitigrade animals, meaning they walk with their toes on the ground and the rest of their foot is kept elevated. This allows them to walk on the often icy ground of their habitat and maintain better stability. Being so close to the ground also allows them to better protect their eggs during incubation against such harsh conditions.
Penguin knee anatomy
Penguins have various modifications that give them adaptations to survive in their environment. Although they are a type of flightless bird, they are not as agile on land as other flightless birds such as the ostrich. Their greatest agility is seen in the water. While much of this is due to their wings being used as flippers, their feet are still very important for underwater maneuverability. They use them to paddle, change direction and maintain balance.
When on terrestrial ground, penguins support their body with their feet. Their knees are vital in allowing their locomotion, even if it may appear limited at first. However, this structure allows them to remain upright for long periods without putting too much strain on their legs. Such short legs in penguins allow them to stay better protected in the harsh Antarctic habitat in which they live.
This anatomical arrangement of penguins makes them walk in a particular way, but at the same time allows them to remain upright when they move. In terms of penguin knee anatomy, the following characteristics stand out:
- They are not externally visible like in other animals.
- They are located very close to the hip and are associated with the femur, tibia and fibula.
Despite certain similarities to other vertebrate animals, the leg anatomy of penguins is also particular. Although flying birds have lighter bones to be able to stand up, penguins do not need this variation because they do not fly. In this way, the bones of penguins are more dense, including their knee bones. Being more solid and heavier is also necessary to be able to submerge in the water more easily.
You can learn more about penguin adaptation with our article explaining what do penguins eat?

Functions of penguin knees
The knees of penguins have a similar function to what these structures have in other animals. They:
- Allow the union of bones and muscles in this area of the body.
- Provide stability and support to the body, being important for the movement of this bird, in addition to the mobility of the leg when walking.
This location of the knees is an adaptation that favors swimming. The penguin needs to move like a submarine in propulsion when underwarter. The knees being in this position minimize resistance under water, making the penguin very fast when submerged. The webbed feet are also a modification that facilitates its aquatic habits, but at the same time helps it walk on land like a duck. Despite this, their gait can make them appear quite clumsy.

Penguin knee problems
Despite their clumsiness, it is important to note that penguin leg anatomy does not seem to hinder their survival. In fact, it is likely one of the main reasons they have been able to adapt to Antarctica while so many other animals could not.
So far, few studies have reported much about specific knee problems or diseases in penguins. However, all bony, cartilaginous and muscular structures, such as bones, tendons and muscles, are susceptible to wear, fractures or damage. Such damage could be from accidents such as falling from height. Further scientific study must be carried out to learn more about health problems associated with penguin knees.
Now that you know that penguins have knees, as well as their characteristics and functions, you may want to learn more about this incredible survivor with our article on how penguins mate and reproduce.
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- Aquae Foundation. (2022). Why did penguins give up flying? Retrieved from:
- Haidr, N. (2019). Anatomy and functional morphology of the skeleton of current penguins (Aves, Sphenisciformes), applications in fossils. Retrieved from:
- Hickman, C., Roberts, L., & Parson A. (2000). Comprehensive principles of zoology. McGraw Hill Inter-American: Spain.