
Dog Names That Mean Loyal - Male And Female

Ameera Mills
By Ameera Mills, Writer and researcher. January 22, 2019
Dog Names That Mean Loyal - Male And Female

See files for Dogs

Powerful loyalty is just one of the main values people identify most with dogs. Do you have a powerfully loyal dog? How about a powerful dog in stature and character? Powerful can be defined physically, emotionally, or personally. Is your dog incredibly loyal?

If you have just adopted a dog, be that an adult dog, female dog, male dog or puppy and you want to give it a name that highlights this powerfully loyal quality, then you cannot miss our list of the most powerful dog names for loyal dogs - males and females. Keep reading here at AnimalWised for more.

You may also be interested in: Happy Dog Names - Male And Female
  1. Powerful loyal dog names: how to choose
  2. Loyal dog names: male
  3. Loyal dog names: female
  4. Dog names that mean brave and loyal

Powerful loyal dog names: how to choose

Choosing the best name for your dog is not an easy task. Choosing the perfect name suited to your dog’s character and personality can take time, ensuring that the name really encompasses all that your pup offers to you and your family and vice versa.

To help you with the task of choosing the perfect loyal and powerful dog name, here are some tips:

  1. Choose short names of a maximum of 2 syllables, these will make it easier for your dog to memorize.
  2. Choose a name suits your dog regardless of age, your dog will not be a puppy forever.
  3. Avoid naming your dog after friends or family, they could get confused easily. Are you calling them or your brother?
  4. Opt rather for names that contain the vowels "a", "e", "i", instead of "o", "u".
  5. Avoid choosing a name and alternating with a nickname, you need to be clear when you call your dog so that they become accustomed and learn their name efficiently.

And now, let’s take a look at our powerful dog names list.

Loyal dog names: male

Are you looking for some strong powerful dog names? If your dog is incredibly powerful in its faithfulness to you, you’ve come looking at the right place. For more, take a look at our list of strong and loyal male dog names:

  • Abrich: comes from Friesland (Netherlands) and means noble.
  • Reima: of Finnish origin, means protector.
  • Athal: of German origin, means noble.
  • Duarte: a Portuguese name that means guardian.
  • Alister: of Greek origin, means defender of humanity. What better name for a dog?
  • Baru: of Sanskrit origin, means noble and loyal.
  • Adar: Kurdish origin, means noble and loyal.
  • Elden: English name that means protector.
  • Edu: Eduardo, which means protector.
  • Hector: of Greek origin, means protector.
  • Etzel: German name meaning noble and honorable.
  • Akram: Chinese name meaning noble.
  • Abba: Hebrew name that refers to ‘one who is loyal to his friends’.
  • Fidel: Latin name meaning reliable, trustworthy.
  • Ale: from Alejandro, means protector.
  • Takao: of Japanese origin, means loyal.
  • Rasmi: of Arab origin, means loyal.
  • Kelvin: Celtic name meaning reliable.
  • Sergio: of Latin origin, means protector.
  • Dylan: Jewish name that means loyal and faithful.
  • Tadao: of Japanese origin, means good and loyal.
  • Nao: Japanese name that means ‘of good heart’.
  • Jack: from the name Jacobo, a Hebrew name that means loyal.
  • Werner: German name meaning protector.
  • Alex: from Alexander and of Greek origin, means protector.
  • Ria: of Japanese origin, meaning reliable.
  • Nobou: of Japanese origin, means loyal.
  • Zong: Chinese name that means loyal.
  • Bes: Egyptian god who scared away spirits, representing protection.
  • Emin: Turkish name that means reliable.
  • Caleb: Hebrew name meaning faithful.
  • Barek: of Arab origin, means noble.
  • Leal: is a Hispanic name, ideal for a faithful dog!
  • Tadashi: of Japanese origin, means loyal.

And if you haven’t found what you’re looking for in our loyal boy dog names list, take a look at our article where we list the best strong dog names - male and female.

Dog Names That Mean Loyal - Male And Female - Loyal dog names: male

Loyal dog names: female

Are you looking for some of the best female dog names meaning loyal? Do you have a powerfully loyal female dog? Or just a powerful dog by nature? If so, take a look at this list of strong powerful female dog names:

  • Adina: of Hebrew origin, means noble.
  • Etel: German name meaning faithful friend.
  • Aiza: of Arab origin, means noble.
  • Yoriko: Japanese name that means reliable.
  • Nagina: Hebrew name meaning noble.
  • Themba: African name that means trust.
  • Delma: German name that means protective.
  • Sasha: Greek name that means protective.
  • Ammia: Egyptian name that means reliable.
  • Vilma: Germanic name that means protective.
  • Penelope: comes from Greek mythology and represents loyalty.
  • Alicia: of Greek origin, means protective.
  • Arya: of Sanskrit origin, means noble. It is also the name of one of the characters in Game of Thrones, characterized by its courage and loyalty.
  • Amina: of Arab origin, means loyal.
  • Olesia: Polish name that means guardian.
  • Arminda: of Latin origin and means protector.
  • Hachiko: Japanese name that refers to a dog famous for waiting for its owner for years.
  • Tina: from Valentina, Latin name that means loyal and brave.

Still haven’t found the perfect name for you female dog on from our loyal female dog names list, take a look at our list of the best female dog names.

Dog Names That Mean Loyal - Male And Female - Loyal dog names: female

Dog names that mean brave and loyal

In addition to being loyal, is your dog also brave? If so, this list is for you!

  • Erol : Turkish meaning brave
  • Jabari: Brave in Egyptian.
  • Kelly: Brave warrior, a common Irish surname.
  • Riley: brave in Gaelic and Irish.
  • Vale: short for valiente in Portuguese.

Brave symbolic dog names:

  • Aasira
  • Achu
  • Rilee
  • Vlora
  • Andro
  • Bear
  • Leo (Leopold)
  • Polo

For more of our best dog names, take a loot at the following lists:

If you want to read similar articles to Dog Names That Mean Loyal - Male And Female, we recommend you visit our Names category.

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Dog Names That Mean Loyal - Male And Female