Beauty tips

Is Human Shampoo Safe for Dogs?

Cristina Pascual
By Cristina Pascual, Veterinaria. October 17, 2024
Is Human Shampoo Safe for Dogs?

See files for Dogs

When using dog shampoo, the smell, lather and cleaning power seem to be the same as human shampoo. This leads many of us to think that bathing our dog with human shampoo will be just as effective. This leads many of us to ask is human shampoo safe for dogs?

While the cleaning power may be similar, the effect on the dog is not. There are important reasons why dog-specific bathing products such as shampoo are used. Human shampoo can damage the dog's coat and open them up to other significant health problems. AnimalWised explains why you shouldn't use human shampoo on dogs and why it is important to use shampoo specially formulated for dogs.

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  1. Is human shampoo safe for dogs?
  2. Why can't I bathe my dog with human shampoo?
  3. Can I bathe my dog with detergent?
  4. What shampoo can I use to bathe my dog?

Is human shampoo safe for dogs?

The skin is an important organ which serves many functions. It is vital for thermoregulation, homeostasis of the internal tissues, immune response and much more. For this reason, the condition of a dog's skin is an indicator of their health. Bad skin will mean there is a health problem. This could be a problem which directly affects the skin, such as some form of canine dermatitis, but it can also be a general health problem which has skin reactions as a symptom.

Caring for a dog's skin means caring for the dog's overall health. Neglecting it can have serious negative effects. These characteristics of skin add up to mean it is an important barrier. Damaging the skin breaks down this barrier and makes them vulnerable to a wide range of issues.

It is for this reason we can say human shampoo is not safe for dogs. Human shampoos contains ingredients and characteristics which are adapted to the specific needs of humans. Many are formulated for specific skin types in humans, meaning not all humans should use them, never mind dogs. Some dogs also have very sensitive or reactive skin, meaning using human shampoo when bathing them can be especially dangerous.

We explain in more detail about why human shampoo is unsafe for dogs in the following sections, as well as explain what alternatives we can use. If you are new to bathing your dog, you may want to read our related article explaining when to give a puppy a bath for the first time.

Why can't I bathe my dog with human shampoo?

The reason why it is not safe to use human shampoo in dogs is because their skin is different. Firstly, human skin is thicker than that of a dog. While human epidermis is around 10-15 cells thick, that of canines is only around 3-5 cells thick. This means irritants have less of a barrier to break through to affect more vulnerable layers of skin underneath. Some human shampoo can be quite strong, causing irritation to the thinner skin of a dog.

The physical makeup of the dog's skin is different. Most dogs have hair all over their body. For this reason, it should be unsurprising that they also have more follicles than we do. Follicles make the skin more sensitive because they are more penetrable, meaning certain topical agents can cause damage more easily. Such agents can be found in human shampoo which is less sensitive to the needs of dog skin.

In addition to more follicles, dogs have fewer sebaceous glands than humans and they are spread over their skin less evenly. Sebaceous glands produce sebum which acts as an additional conditioning and protective layer of the skin. Human shampoos can easily remove this layer in dogs, making them more vulnerable after bathing.

Finally, the pH of a dog's skin is different to that of humans. Human skin is more acidic at around 5.5 pH, while canine skin is more alkaline at around 5.5-7.8 pH, although some can be as high as 8 pH. The acidity acts as another protective layer, known as the acid mantle. This makes dogs more vulnerable to certain compounds which can affect a dog's skin

With these factors in mind, we can say that human shampoo is not safe for dogs due to the two following main reasons:

  • Acidity: since the pH level of human skin and dogs is generally different, using a shampoo with a pH level based on humans needs can damage the dog's skin. It can remove the protective barriers in the form of sebum and other natural protectors. This will not always be the case, especially if your dog's skin is less alkaline than others. However, it is a risk to use as it can be dangerous for most dogs.
  • Ingredients: perhaps more important is the ingredients used to formulate human shampoo. Many of them include perfumes, aromas, colorants, excipients and other ingredients which can be abrasive. This can destroy the hydrolipidic barrier that protects our pet's skin. As we have explained, a dog's skin is more vulnerable than our own in many ways, meaning they may be more likely to have a negative reaction.

Considering all of these factors, we should avoid using human shampoo on dogs. Even if they uses words like natural, hypoallergenic or organic, it doesn't mean they are safe for canine use. Sometimes they can include ingredients which are particularly bad for dogs.

Learn more about how chemicals can affect dogs when used topically with our article on whether we can use hydrogen peroxide on dogs.

Can I bathe my dog with detergent?

As we have seen, bathing a dog with human shampoo is not advisable. Many of us think of dish soap or similar detergents as being universal cleaners, but this is far from the case. Detergents are strong cleaners which are designed to break down grease and other stains. Putting this on human skin can be corrosive, especially for prolonged periods such as when bathing.

Under no circumstances should we use detergents on our dog. Whether dish soap, laundry detergent or any similar cleaner, they are too harsh for a dog. Dog skin is even more sensitive than our own. Using detergent can burn them, resulting in skin lesions and potentially leading to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

Learn more about how detergents affect a dog's skin with our article on whether you can wash a dog with dish soap.

Is Human Shampoo Safe for Dogs? - Can I bathe my dog with detergent?

What shampoo can I use to bathe my dog?

We already know that shampoos for humans are not appropriate for dogs. Instead, we should always use products specifically formulated for use on canines. Dog shampoos can be either hygienic for routine bathing of the dog or therapeutic for treatment of a disease or skin condition. The latter is usually medicated and should only be used under the strict guidance of a veterinarian.

Regardless of the type of shampoo, it must have certain characteristics. For your dog shampoo to be safe, it must meet certain requirements. It must:

  • Be of high quality and properly formulated
  • Have a maximum pH of 6
  • Not contain unnecessary compounds aggressive and harmful to the animal's skin such as artificial perfumes or colorants
  • Be specifically designed for your dog's breed

Although it must have the right pH and ingredients, your dogs may have certain needs. You can speak to your veterinarian who will recommend the best product which will best condition their type of fur and protect their skin type.

Also, during bathing, we must ensure that the water temperature never exceeds 86ºF (30 ºC), although the ideal temperature is 77-80ºF (25-27ºC). Rinse with plenty of water to remove any product residue. In the video we share below, we provide a professional's guidance on how to bathe a dog properly:

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Is Human Shampoo Safe for Dogs?