Facts about the animal kingdom

Most Solitary Animals in the World

Josie F. Turner
By Josie F. Turner, Journalist specialized in Animal Welfare. Updated: August 8, 2024
Most Solitary Animals in the World

Animals that are solitary are those which have minimal interaction with other members of their species. This is in comparison to gregarious animals which live in social groups, although the size of these groups can vary greatly. Living in groups allows animals to pool resources to find food and provide greater protection against potential predators. Solitary animals do not rely on others for their individual survival. They find their own food, shelter and other needs. For this reason, the most solitary creatures tend to be predatory animals. It is important to note that even the most solitary animal will need to interact with other members of their species for reproduction.

At AnimalWised, we share the 10 most solitary animals in the world. We discover how they are able to survive without living in social groups and what benefits they might have for being on their own.

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  1. Bears
  2. Black rhinoceros
  3. Platypus
  4. Skunks
  5. Leopards
  6. Moles
  7. Koalas
  8. Sloths
  9. Wolverine
  10. Spotfin lionfish
See more >>


From the polar bear to the grizzly bear, all bears like to live alone. It is in the nature of bears to be solitary animals, and most of the various bear species are do not live in groups. The reason they are such solitary creatures is partly because they are very territorial. They have the ability to feed on almost any other animal, so they don't require a pack to help them hunt.

Despite their solitary nature, bears do not spend all their lives alone. They meet other bears in order to reproduce. Once this happens, mothers spend quite a lot of time with their young and can be very protective. Males will not hang around after reproduction. As a general rule, however, bears are the most solitary carnivores in the world.

For more facts about bears, we share an article on how polar bears survive the cold of the Arctic and another on the most dangerous animals in India, which includes the Asian black bear of the Himalayas.

Most Solitary Animals in the World - Bears

Black rhinoceros

Rhinos are not known for their tolerance towards other animals. Their patience is limited and they have a somewhat surly character which makes them rather antisocial.

While female white rhinos don't mind spending time together, bulls of the white rhino species are solitary. Both male and female black rhinoceros generally prefer to stay alone. All the energy saved by being alone is spent when the time comes to mate. Male black rhinos gather together only to court a female during breeding season.

While they can be considered one of the most solitary animals in the world, it is true that black rhinoceros can spend time and bond with others. They get along better if they are of different ages, as they don't see each other as a threat. Besides, the black rhinoceros is not particularly territorial.

Most Solitary Animals in the World - Black rhinoceros


The platypus is a semi-aquatic animal native to Australia. It is known for its unusual physical appearance, with a flat horny bill, webbed feet like a duck and paddle shaped tail much like a beaver's. Although the platypus lays eggs, it is a monotreme, a rare type of mammal that lays eggs.

Platypuses are solitary animals for most of their lives, although on occasion they can be seen in pairs. Mothers stay with their young for some months. If you're interested in learning more about these strange reclusive animals, here is an article on 10 facts about the platypus.

Most Solitary Animals in the World - Platypus


There are different species of skunks, all of which are mostly solitary. When they feel threatened, nervous or attacked, skunks release a very strong odor that repels any creature with in a few meters. For the sake of other animals, even from the same family, skunks prefer to go through life as free, independent creatures.

However, in colder climates skunks may share dens, especially among females. Male skunks mate with more than one female, but they don't live together after they do so. When they have descendants, female skunks stay with their kits for a year and are very protective of them. After this time, the kits will leave and spend more time on their own.

Most Solitary Animals in the World - Skunks


Among the animals that are solitary, leopards ave a reputation of being kings of the jungle, forest and savanna. Known for their beauty and elegance, these big cats are solitary, something which is not the case with all big cat species. They only meet with other members of their species when they are mating or while raising their young.

The rest of the time, both male and female leopards enjoy their quiet ‘single’ status without owing anything to anyone. After all, unlike many other big cats, leopards don't need a pack to hunt successfully. This is one of the many reasons, for example, why snow leopards are endangered.

Most Solitary Animals in the World - Leopards


Another of the most reclusive and solitary animals in the world are moles, an unusual group of underground dwellers. Moles dig networks of tunnels to make their homes in the ground, and they don't like sharing the space that has taken such an effort to make.

Moles spend most of the time playing alone in their tunnels where there is never room for more than one mole. In fact, they are rarely seen above the surface. They avoid meeting other moles, and when their territories overlap they may end up fighting.

Most Solitary Animals in the World - Moles


Koalas are naturally solitary animals. Despite their adorable appearance, they appreciate tranquility and will attack if they feel threatened. Above all, koalas love having their me-time in which to rest and enjoy the quiet. They will always choose to approach and hug a tree instead of another koala.

Although gentle, individual koalas have well-established territories. These areas are usually highly respected. When they are young, koalas can be seen mounted on their mother's back. However, they are soon off to fend for themselves, and live the life of solitary freedom. Read more in our article about where koalas live.

Female koalas usually stay in one territories, while male koalas tend to travel. There may be exceptions for some dominant, larger males. If they cross paths, male koalas may get into fights, chasing and biting each other until one backs down.

Most Solitary Animals in the World - Koalas


Another arboreal animal that is solitary, the sloth are known for their incredibly slow movement. They only gather in groups when they are going to mate. Sloths prefer swinging and hanging from a branch alone, perhaps meditating on the meaning of life and the universe happy in their own company.

As we have stated, sloths are known for being extremely slow. Some of the others on this list of the 10 slowest animals in the world will come as a complete surprise.

Most Solitary Animals in the World - Sloths


Wolverines are very strange and solitary mammals. They are a look like a cross between bear and a dog, but are actually mustelids, part of the weasel family. They not only prefer to live alone, but actively chase away any creature that come near them. Individual wolverines are known to occupy large territories and defend them tooth and nail, gaining a reputation among the most aggressive animals in the world.

It is no wonder that wolverines have chosen the vast, wild forests of Canada and Alaska as their home. This gives them plenty of space in which to roam alone with fewer chances of coming across unwanted company. We could almost give them the top spot among these 10 most solitary animals in the world.

Most Solitary Animals in the World - Wolverine

Spotfin lionfish

The spotfin lionfish has no choice but to be a solitary marine animal. These fish are as beautiful and fascinating as they are venomous, and we suspect they evolved that characteristic in order to be left alone. Additionally, these lionfish never go out during the day, preferring to stay hidden in the dark depths of the sea.

The dorsal fins of the lionfish are loaded with a powerful venom. They are willing to attack when in the presence of a predator or other invasive lionfish that may wander into their territory.

Do you want to find out more about poisonous animals? Check out our article on the 10 most venomous animals in the world and find out all you need to know.

Most Solitary Animals in the World - Spotfin lionfish

If you want to read similar articles to Most Solitary Animals in the World, we recommend you visit our Facts about the animal kingdom category.

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What did you think of this article?
Just to clarify you have used a photo of a greater one horned rhino for the black rhino!
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi James,

Thank you for pointing out our error, we have amended the article to show the correct picture.
Just wanted to make one thing clear. Red pandas (though the name suggests it would be of the panda kind) is actually not a panda, but a form of the raccoon family. Raccoons are sollitary aswell, atleast most are, so it does not do any harm when you think the red panda is also a bear, but I thought it was a fun fact :)
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Alex,

Thanks for pointing this out, we clarified the article just in case. Even more interesting is that the red panda was considered a bear species at one point before being put in their own taxonomic order. Unfortunately, due to extinction, they are the only ones left in this group :(
Kelly Evil
I can personally identity with all of these animals. I was never a social butterfly, more of anti social sloth lol.
Administrador AnimalWised
Sloths are amazing creatures, we're sure you are too!
Anneliese D Drake
What about iguanas or horny toad lizards or any of the desert lizards in the southwest? They seem very lonely when one sees them.
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Anneliese,

You make a great point as many lizard species appear quite solitary, spending long periods of time basking or seemingly doing nothing at all. However, especially during breeding season or when young, these animals can be quite social. They do exhibit play behavior and have a social order when developing. You can say something similar for bears, but the difference is that bears will actively remain on their own, whereas iguanas will happily interact when they want to. The same goes for many lizards, although it will depend on the species. Thanks for the input!
which animal lives the longest
I believe the Turritopsis Dohrnii (a type of jellyfish) lives the longest
Wolverines are part of mustelidae, neither bear nor dog.
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Michael,

Thank you for your comment. The text meant to imply their resemblance to bears and dogs in appearance, some think much more so than their resemblance to other Mustelids. We have updated the article to make it more clear.
wow 😀. Thanks a lot Josie I loved it
Administrador AnimalWised
Thanks Jamila!
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Most Solitary Animals in the World