First aid

Natural Disinfectant to Treat Wounds in Dogs

Josie F. Turner
By Josie F. Turner, Journalist specialized in Animal Welfare. October 24, 2016
Natural Disinfectant to Treat Wounds in Dogs

See files for Dogs

Dogs are very social, curious and outgoing animals, and they enjoy going for walks and exploring a natural environment enormously. But you should take care as your best friend can suffer from all sorts of small wounds during its attempts to explore.

Sometimes when you get home after a long walk you may notice small and superficial wounds on your dog, such as a small cut, a splinter or a scratch. This isn't serious if you take care of it properly and as soon as possible.

To do this successfully, this AnimalWised article will show you how to prepare a natural disinfectant to treat wounds in dogs.

  1. What's the difference between disinfectant and antiseptic?
  2. How to prepare a natural antiseptic to treat dog wounds
  3. How to use a natural antiseptic for superficial wounds
  4. Other tips to treat wounds in dogs

What's the difference between disinfectant and antiseptic?

The term "disinfectant", widely used to refer to human health, is actually medically incorrect. A disinfectant is a substance that kills germs on an inert surface. In this context, sodium hypochlorite or bleach would be a type of disinfectant - and you would never treat your wounds with those.

When a substance with similar properties is used on living tissue, it is called an antiseptic. An antiseptic acts on the outer layers of the skin and prevents pathogenic organisms from entering the wound and causing an infection.

Therefore, antiseptic treatment is essential for the skin to properly recover from an injury or wound and prevent any of the common complications that can result from a bacterial infection. In this article, then, it'll be more accurate to say we'll show you how to make a natural antiseptic treatment for dog wounds.

How to prepare a natural antiseptic to treat dog wounds

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 100 millilitres of rose hip oil
  • 20 drops of essential tea tree oil
  • 20 drops of essential lavender oil

These components are useful for treating superficial wounds in dogs, as they have the following properties:

  • Rosehip oil is used as the base of the mixture and its properties keep the skin moist and well nourished.
  • Essential tea tree oil is widely known in the veterinary world for its deworming properties. It also has antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  • Essential lavender oil is a very mild essential oil, but has important antibacterial properties that make it useful for treating canine wounds.

To prepare this natural antiseptic solution, you must have an opaque glass bottle to preserve the mixture. Simply add the rose hip oil first and then the drops of the essential oils.

Natural Disinfectant to Treat Wounds in Dogs - How to prepare a natural antiseptic to treat dog wounds

How to use a natural antiseptic for superficial wounds

Before treating any wound with antiseptic it is essential to ensure proper hygiene. To do so you must gently clean the affected area using warm water and a mild soap suitable for veterinary use. Proper hygiene is highly important before you apply the antiseptic, as otherwise it defeats its purpose before even starting. It is recommended to clean the wound 2 to 3 times a day.

As for the natural antiseptic, you should know that essential oils have very high concentrations; you will not need a lot. Each time you re-apply the natural antiseptic after cleaning the wound, use only 5 drops. You can apply the drops directly or, if you and your dog find it more comfortable, use a spray bottle.

Other tips to treat wounds in dogs

As mentioned at the beginning, this natural antiseptic treatment is designed to treat superficial wounds. Of course, in the case of serious injuries urgent veterinary care will be essential.

When it comes to minor injuries, if you want a more complete natural treatment, you can also use aloe vera juice. It has multiple properties that are ideal for accelerating the process of skin repair and healing, especially in dogs' paw pads.

It is important to be attentive to the wound's healing process and monitor it closely. If the wound doesn't improve in a few days, it is recommended that you go to the vet to decide on a topical drug treatment.

Natural Disinfectant to Treat Wounds in Dogs - Other tips to treat wounds in dogs

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Natural Disinfectant to Treat Wounds in Dogs, we recommend you visit our First aid category.

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What did you think of this article?
Hi so my dog scoots her bum a lot. So much that we ( vet and i) believe it’s causing her bladder infections. She has had 4-5 in the last 9 months. The vet recommended cleaning her private area and putting neosporin on it every time she goes potty. Would this be safe to use in place of the neosporin?
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Jen,

These natural disinfectants are great for minor injuries and general hygiene for dogs. However, if your dog is scooting compulsively, it is likely due to an infection and an antibiotic spray like Neosporin will be much more effective. As always, we are only here to provide information, the advice of a reputable and qualified veterinary medicine professional supersedes the information we can provide in comments to articles.
Connie Harris
My dog was bitten by another dog in the last 24hrs. About one guarter inch under his eye. Applying warm compress. I am not able to see a vet because of finances. He's eating and drinking, and still playing. 8 yrs. Old
Monica MacKenzie
Is the homemade antiseptic safe when it gets licked off ?
Amy McCready (AnimalWised editor)
Hello Monica, thanks for your question!

In theory, the ingredients are natural and unless they are ingested in big quantities, they are safe. However, we cannot be certain that a specific animal is not sensitive or allergic to any of those ingredients. But it shouldn't be a problem if they lick the wound.

Also, remember that the principal way of getting a wound cured is not letting the animal lick it, otherwise it will never never heal. Perhaps you could utilize an Elizabethan collar (pet cone).

Good luck!
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Natural Disinfectant to Treat Wounds in Dogs