Facts about the animal kingdom

Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates

Josie F. Turner
By Josie F. Turner, Journalist specialized in Animal Welfare. Updated: October 5, 2023
Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates

The most loyal animals are those which have the strongest bonds to their mates, although this loyalty often extends to their large family group. AnimalWised looks at these loyal animals which are often monogamous, meaning they only have one mate at a time. Some animals are so loyal to their mates, they will never find another during the rest of their lifetime. There are many evolutionary advantages to remaining loyal with one mate, although other species have developed other ways to better survive.

Many of the most loyal animals to their mates have become symbols of faithfulness and loyalty for humans. Discover these faithful animals with photos as we look at the most loyal animals to their mates.

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  1. Parakeet
  2. Beaver
  3. Crested penguins
  4. Swan
  5. Gibbon
  6. Gray Wolf
  7. French angelfish
  8. Owl
  9. Bald eagle
  10. Termite
See more >>


Parakeets are social animals that feel lonely and sad when they have no company. It is one of the most faithful animals to their mate. They need a partner alongside them in their cage in order to be happy. Once acquainted, they won't leave each other's side. Only removal by a guardian or death will separate these mates and the loss of a mate is terrible for the parakeet. They will likely suffer anxiety, manifesting symptoms such as plumage plucking.

Also known as budgerigars, parakeets can be great and loyal pets, but they will need a partner in their cage such as the one displayed in the photo below. Learn more about why and what to do with our article on caring for a budgerigar.

Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates - Parakeet


Beavers are monogamous animals that it will stay loyal until their mate dies. Both faithful parents work together, maintaining the nest, creating large burrows and supporting each other in order to survive.

When they reach adulthood, young beavers leave the colony to form a new one. When there is a shortage of food, beavers will remain with their family waiting until food is more copious. Even when they do become independent, it has been observed that beavers don't move far away from their parents when they are establishing a new colony. This means they are one of the most loyal animals for life.

Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates - Beaver

Crested penguins

In the summer, crested penguins return to the place where they were born in order to meet a suitable partner to form a loyal and lifelong couple. Mates which are already paired up return to Antarctica to the exact spot where they last nested. In fact, crested penguins can be very aggressive if they see another penguin trying to mate with their partner.

Crested penguins have more complex mating behavior than most other penguins. Their courtship rituals show in the photo involve various behaviors, including pumping up their chests. After a male and female successfully mate, they will both take care of their eggs and young. This shows that this animal loyalty is for all the family, not just their mates.

Learn more about these mating rituals with our article on how penguins mate and reproduce.

Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates - Crested penguins


Swans are animals that live in pairs. In the winter months, they are known to already be in heat. When they meet a potential partner, swans swim near one another and perform special neck movements. Once the eggs are laid, it is the female who takes care of them. However, the male usually replaces her when needed. Swans lile the ones shown in the photo can make a love heart with their necks, providing a great symbol of love and loyalty to humans.

All types of swans are not only loyal to their mates, they are very faithful to their breeding territory. They can be aggressive to other swans and even to humans if the swans feel their territory is under threat. They form long-term relationships with their mate. Swans are such loyal animals that they do not even seek out a new partner once their original mate dies.

Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates - Swan


Gibbons are a type of monogamous primate that form lifelong bonds with each other. For them, this is an advantage that optimizes their resources. It also lowers the amount of energy they use when protecting their territory, among many other reasons. They spend their days together, sharing resources and caring for their offspring.

As with crested penguins, gibbons have very particular mating behaviors. In fact, they are considered to have one of the strangest courtship rituals in the world.

Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates - Gibbon

Gray Wolf

Gray wolves live in packs where there is an alpha male and an alpha female. These are usually the only ones in a pack who mate and breed. Wolves are tremendously loyal to their mate. They are also faithful to their young and any member of their pack. They would die guarding their small puppies.

Here you can discover all about the gray wolf's diet and hunting habits. By doing so, you will see this strong animal loyalty in action as they pool their resources and show that forming a strong bond has its advantages.

Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates - Gray Wolf

French angelfish

The French angelfish (Pomacanthus paru) is a marine fish that is notable for its loyalty to its mate. Although they do not care for their small fry once they have hatched, French angelfish mates live together forever and defend each other from attacks from other animals. Even within a fish tank where they are the only inhabitants, these beautiful angelfish still keep this territorial role.

Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates - French angelfish


Owls are faithful birds that remain monogamous to their mate, not only in breeding season, but all year round. They both work together in the care and feeding of their young. Owls are also very protective. Mothers show their animal loyalty in how they care for their young, often losing their lives in an attempt to protect them from larger predators. This is even the case against predators that are double or even triple their size.

In our related article about owls you can learn more about owls as pets, with our guidelines and general tips.

Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates - Owl

Bald eagle

Another type of raptor that shows their extreme animal loyalty is the bald eagle. To many Americans, they are the supreme symbol of loyalty since they are the national bird of the US. This symbol connotes loyalty of the citizens to the ideals and freedoms of their country.

Bald eagles choose to be faithful until death or until there is a problem of impotence. They build the nest together and take turns in caring for their offspring, providing heat or looking for food. The young eagle chicks remain in the nest for a while until they can fend for themselves. This process is extended if there are bad environmental conditions.

Discover the other different types of eagles which have varying degrees of animal loyalty in our related guide.

Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates - Bald eagle


It may sound strange, but some types of termites are also species that deserve a place on this list of the animals most loyal to their mates. After courtship has begun, termites look for a place to reproduce and thrive. If successful, they will create a new colony and become King and Queen and if not, they die.

Now we know about the world's most loyal animals, you may want to learn more superlatives in the animal kingdom. You can do so with our articles on the most venomous animals in the world and the most solitary animals in the world.

Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates - Termite

If you want to read similar articles to Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates, we recommend you visit our Facts about the animal kingdom category.

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David Haley
Just to add, the Peregrine Falcon and falcons in general are also very monogamous and form strong bonds with their mates.
I'm sorry, but that are not even beavers... I guess prairie dogs.
Administrador AnimalWised

Thanks for point this out, we have changed the photo!
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Most Loyal Animals to Their Mates