Facts about the animal kingdom

Why Is My Dog Howling for No Reason?

Eduarda Piamore
By Eduarda Piamore, Expert in animal psychology. March 25, 2025
Why Is My Dog Howling for No Reason?

See files for Dogs

While it may appear as if your dog is howling for no reason, this is not the case. It may not be obvious, but understanding a dog's canine instinct and behavioral traits will help you to understand the reason for their howling. To do so, we need to look at the context of the howling. This can include the genetics of the specific dog, environmental changes, unexpected negative stimuli, fear, territoriality or simply a means of communication. Although not always the most common vocalization, howling is a characteristic sounds of dogs. It should not be suppressed unnecessarily. It only needs addressed if it is revelatory of a problem or if the howling is causing problems in the home.

This is why AnimalWised asks why is my dog howling for no reason? We understand the actual reasons for this behavior and help you to discover how to address them appropriately so that you ensure the well-being of the dog.

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  1. Genetics
  2. Communication
  3. Territoriality
  4. Pain or fear
  5. Stress
  6. Loneliness
  7. Intense stimuli
  8. Call for attention


Some dogs will howl more than others because they have a genetic predisposition towards this behavior. While every dog is an individual, certain breeds are known to exhibit characteristic vocalizations. Some are known to bark loudly, others have a yap and there are even dogs which are known to yodel.

Evidence for the genetic influence on howling is not just anecdotal as various studies have shown the link between genes and this behavior[1]. After conducting a series of tests, researchers in Communications Biology reported that dogs most closely related to wolves tend to howl more than other breeds.

According to such research, dogs that are known to howl more than others include:

  • Basenji
  • Siberian Husky
  • Alaskan malamute
  • Samoyed
  • Afghan Hound
  • Akita Inu
  • Shiba Inu
  • Shar Pei
  • Chow Chow

In this way, genetic predisposition may explain why some dogs seemingly howl for no reason. Genes alone cannot be understood as the driving force or primary cause of howling, as it tends to manifest as a response to stimuli internal or external to the dog's body. It is simply that certain breeds are more likely than others to howl as a response to such stimuli.

You can see the diversity of dog vocalizations with our guide to the dog breeds that don't bark very much.

Why Is My Dog Howling for No Reason? - Genetics


Even if they do not have a very close genetic link to their wolf cousins, you may see your dog is howling like a wolf. Despite some continued controversy over the origins of domestic dogs, DNA studies show that evidence of the close link between domestic dogs and grey wolves is overwhelming[2]. This means that some form of howling is common to all canids as they are related to wolves.

Despite this, the domestic dog (Canus lupus familiaris) is a special case because it has established a unique relationship with humans. This has profoundly influenced the evolution of its morphology and communication. Over several centuries of domestication and coexistence with humans, the vast majority of dogs have developed an ability to articulate vocalizations that are much more complex and diverse than other canids .

Domestic dogs also retain a number of instinctive behaviors that can also be observed in wolves. For example, dogs howl when they need to communicate with their peers over long distances. If your dog hears the howl of other dogs or even a wolf, they may respond to this call by howling.

In the Communications Biology study, it was observed that the oldest dog breeds (i.e. those most closely related to wolves) they tend to respond to howls with their own[1]. In contrast, more modern dog breeds tend to bark when they hear other dogs or wolves howling.

In addition to behaviors, you can see the physical relations between domestic dogs and their wild cousins with our article on the dog breeds that look like wolves.


Another reason why a dog is howling at nothing is also linked to their relationship with wolves. Specifically, it is a result of their territorial instinct. Wolves in nature howl to communicate their presence in a certain territory, both to their own pack and to potential rivals. This helps to avoid conflicts, as well as reinforce the demarcation of a specific territory and the resources held therein.

Such instinctive behavior is also observed in domestic dogs, even those that have never lived in a wild or natural environment. It tends to intensify once they reach sexual maturity, especially in males. The same is true for several other behaviors related to territoriality and sexual desire, such as mounting other dogs, escape behavior, marking and intersexual aggression.

If you share your home with a sexually intact, the constant howling may be related to the presence of potential sexual partners and potential rivals in their environment. Neutering a dog provides various benefits, including reducing problematic howling such as howling late at night. It also improves the health of dogs by eliminating the potential for certain reproductive diseases and can reduce other problematic behaviors such as aggression.

You can see more about how sterilization may benefit longevity with our article asking do neutered dogs live longer?

Why Is My Dog Howling for No Reason? - Territoriality

Pain or fear

Another well-studied function of howling in wolves is the expression of emotions and moods. As gregarious and sensitive beings, wolves howl when they are overcome by fear, joy, anger, sadness, stress or some type of physical or emotional pain. For example, wolves may howl individually or collectively after the death of a member of their pack.

Domestic dogs also use vocalizations as a means of dealing with their own emotions. It also serves a social function, potentially providing a way to share emotions with their peers and guardians. It is natural for dogs to howl when they experience intense pain or vulnerability. This could be due to physical illness, but it can also be an emotional response to real or perceived stimuli in their environment.

If your dog is howling all of a sudden when they did not before, we advise taking them to a veterinarian. The first thing they will do is confirm or rule out the possibility of a physical health problem. This can be fairly obvious if you see a dog howl in pain when you touch a specific area of their body, but it could also be a more general issue.

If a physical problem is ruled out, then we should contact a canine ethologist. They can assess the dog's well-being and provide specific ways to redirect this behavior which are compatible with their individual needs. We can also look the context of the howling. For example, it is possible you will see your dog is howling when someone close to them dies. This is a common emotional response in the animal.


Stress is a common response to fear. A dog often becomes stressed because they feel insecure. This insecurity could be related to their physical safety, but it is also a common response to threats to their emotional well-being. There are various causes of stress, but their won't affect every dog in the same way. They can lead to equally varied behavioral problems in the animal.

Regardless of the cause, the consequences of stress are devastating to the physical and mental health of canines. A stressed dog lives with enormous pent-up tension. Sooner or later, this tension must be released to alleviate the general discomfort produced in the body and mind.

It is at this point undesirable behaviors often appear, such as barking, crying or howling incessantly. They may also become destructive in the home as a means of releasing this tension. Insecurity can also cause some dogs to become overly possessive of their resources. When the source of stress is not adequately controlled, the symptoms tend to worsen, weakening the dog's immune system and self confidence.

Once again, we recommend that you seek out a veterinary ethologist to determine the cause of the problem and initiate appropriate treatment. We can also help shed some more light in our article explaining why a dog is anxious all of a sudden.


Another very common reason why dogs howl for no reason is because they are lonely. We have already explained that dogs use howling as a means of communication. When they do not have the right companions, howling may be a way to potentially find them. This behavior is particularly common in dogs that have been poorly socialized or if they have suddenly been separated from their support network without an adjustment period.

When dogs arrive in a new home, it is natural to feel insecure or fearful. This is especially common for puppies that have just been separated from their mother and siblings. The stimuli in their new environment is unknown to them and can cause them to feel insecure, a feeling that can intensify when they are left alone. This is a common reason why guardians place something which resembles a heartbeat beside a puppy when they sleep.

Poor socialization is also a risk factor for separation anxiety in dogs, symptoms of which include increased vocalizations (barking, crying or howling). If this is the case, you will need to find practical ways to improve their socialization, as well as to ensure they are being physically and cognitively stimulated to an appropriate degree.

There is also a possible genetic link for this issue, as we can see in this article on dog breeds most prone to separation anxiety.

Intense stimuli

Environmental stimuli can come in various forms. Loud or sudden noises are a common issue which can provoke a behavioral reaction in the dog. It is worth noting that a dog's sense of hearing is much more developed than our own, being able to hear a greater range of frequencies.

Dogs detect sound frequencies of up to 70,000 Hz, even when they are heard over 25 meters away. This is why there are several sounds dogs can hear that we cannot, thanks to their wide hearing range.

In practice, this also means that loud noises can be even more impactful for our dog. These noises might be enough to give us a headache, so they can hurt a dog even more. Beyond disrupting the balance and tranquility of their environment, these sounds are harsh on canine hearing. They often trigger fear, stress or anxiety. For example, this may explain why your dog howls at sirens of emergency vehicles as they are intense for them.

Why Is My Dog Howling for No Reason? - Intense stimuli

Call for attention

The last reason it appears a dog is howling for no reason is because they are actually howling at us. Whether directly or indirectly, a dog may be howling because they are not provided with their specific needs. This could be in the form of physical needs such as an appropriate diet or sufficient exercise, but it may be as simple as not being given enough attention.

In these circumstances, the dog may howl because they do not know what else to do. If their needs continue to be denied, then other behavioral problems may develop. It is up to the guardian to assess the dog's specific needs and do what they can to meet them appropriately. If they are unable to, then they will need to contact a professional for assistance.

Howling is not the only vocalization which can alert us to an issue with our dog. Take a look at our article on why my dog keeps making a gulping sound to learn about another.

If you want to read similar articles to Why Is My Dog Howling for No Reason?, we recommend you visit our Facts about the animal kingdom category.


1. Lehoczki, F., Andics, A., Kershenbaum, A., Kubinyi, E., Passilongo, D., Root-Gutteridge, H., Range, F., Sánchez, V. P., Schmidt, L., Townsend, S. W., Watson, S. K., & Faragó, T. (2023). Genetic distance from wolves affects family dogs' reactions towards howls. Communications biology, 6(1), 129.

2. Vilà, C., Maldonado, J. E., & Wayne, R. K. (1999). Phylogenetic relationships, evolution, and genetic diversity of the domestic dog. The Journal of heredity, 90(1), 71–77.

  • Cohen, J. A., & Fox, M. W. (1976). Vocalizations in wild canids and possible effects of domestication. Behavioural processes, 1(1), 77–92.
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Why Is My Dog Howling for No Reason?